The ACM debate was the word of the week at IIPM, as it was displayed on the notice board that the top 30 people would go for US GOTA. After a strategic round of debate in the first round the students who were thinking that debate is just about barbing, started thinking other wise. The topic of the preliminary round was ‘Indians vote castes and do not cast votes’.
The selected 67 students reached the final round, where understanding the topic, was in itself a hard task. ‘First black president, first woman president or another Bush, while U.S.A thinks who do you think will work for India?’. The final round was full of energy and participants were supporting their own favorite US presidential candidate. The debating skills were utilized to the maximum, everybody was ready to assault their opponents, with their power packed oratory skills and heavy interjections.
The high skilled, conceptually clear participants fought till the end. The competition was so immense, that the judges, Prof. Viraj Kalra and Prof. Rahul Chaudhary had a taxing time deciding the winners. Pushkaraj Bidwai emerged as the winner and there was a tie for the 1st and the 2nd runners up. Needless to say, the event was a great success. The top 30 have packed their bags and are all set to fly to the States.