IIPM Rankings BUSINESS INDIA – BEST B-SCHOOLS Rank : A+ Level 2 The institute ostensibly the largest in terms of student strength and one of the few widely networked schools of the country has been doing well for itself over the years experimenting and incorporating many of the aspects for management education of which most only would talk about. The ethos of the institute as such is in preparing its students managers with effective communication skills, an enquiring mind , h...
That India was not shining for the majority of Indians was clearly visible during the elections, with BJP being voted out of power. Congress, being coalition dependent, intelligently skirted the foreign-origin issue by making Dr. Manmohan Singh its Prime Ministerial candidate. As a result, at least in the intellectual and academic circles, there was excitement at a Professor and an economist getting the most coveted post in Indian politics. Dr. Manmohan Singh is known for his personal integri...